The not-so-sweet story
Yup, it’s true! Kids’ drinks and toddler milks are often loaded with sugar, and that’s a big concern for growing bodies.

As a Dietitian, I always tell parents to keep an eye out for sneaky ingredients like maltodextrins (of any type), high-fructose corn syrup, alcohols sugars (like erythritol) and refined sugars like cane, brown, or even coconut sugar.
In many children's drinks, these are the troublemakers that could impact your little one's health.

That’s why we’re so proud of TOMI. Our product skips all those nasty sugars, making it a choice you can feel great about.
The only sugars in TOMI are naturally occurring, coming straight from wholesome ingredients like bananas and dates.
Clean, simple, and delicious; just the way it should be!